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Study & Research Atmospheric Sciences
@ University of Hawai'i at Ma̅noa


The goal of this research group is to understand both the dynamics and microphysics of shallow convection. We specialize in orographic and tropical clouds.  We use in-situ aircraft observations, ground-based platforms, fundamental equations, and numerical models to study the world around us. 



NOW: Fall 2024

ATMO 200: Atmospheric Processes and Phenomenon

Find more information and shared resources on the teaching page. It is always being updated!


Opportunities are always available for undergraduate students looking for research experience.

Opportunities may be available for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.  Contact Dr. Nugent for up to date information.

News & Events

Check out this free online atmospheric science textbook on intro-level material:

Follow me on my facebook page: @Dr.AlisonNugent

Follow me on instagram: @cloudyday24

Contact Us

Alison D. Nugent, PhD

2525 Correa Rd, HIG 333 

Honolulu, HI 96822

anugent (at) hawaii (dot) edu

Tel: eight-zero-eight 956 2878


© Partially Updated July 2024

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