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Links & Resources

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Learn your cloud names and what I'm up to!

Instagram: @cloudyday24

Facebook: @Dr.AlisonNugent

If you're looking for Media appearances, please view the Media tab.

A new page has been created.

University of Hawai'i Resources:

Atmospheric Science Library Webpage

ATMO Department Webpage

Job Search Tools:

Job list serves: ES_JOBS_NET, Wrf-news, Fluxnet, met-jobs

Cutting Edge - Preparing for an academic career in the geosciences

Postdoc Fellowships: NSF AGS PRF, NOAA Global Change, NCAR ASP,

Pathways to Science

Faculty Job Help Links:

On the Cutting Edge site

Cutting Edge - Early Career Geoscience Faculty

Python Links:

Python Programming for Beginners

Texas A&M Python for the Geosciences

UHawaii Ocean Data Analysis

UHawaii Ocean 620 Exercises

Links to Conference Presentations:

June 2018 @ 18 MountMet: Factors leading to extreme precipitation on Dominica from Tropical Storm Erika (2015)

by Nugent, Rios-Berrios

June 2016 @ 17MountMet: The occurence and influence of convection in orographic precipitation over New Zealand

by Nugent, Watson, Kruse, Tsai, Takeishi, and Smith

April 2016 @ 32Hurr: Tropical Storm Erika and the commonwealth of Dominica

by Nugent

January 2016 @ 96Annual: Observation and measurement of shallow marine clouds

by Nugent and Jensen

August 2015 @ 16Meso: Controls on precipitation in thermally driven orographic clouds

by Nugent, Watson, Thompson, and Smith

August 2015 @ ICAM2015: Controls on precipitation in thermally driven orographic clouds

by Nugent, Watson, Thompson and Smith

August 2014 @ 16MountMet: Aerosols vs dry air entrainment in thermally driven orographic clouds

by Nugent, Watson, Thompson, and Smith

August 2013 @ 15Meso: The role of aerosols in tropical orographic convection and precipitation

by Nugent, Thompson, Eidhammer, and Smith

August 2012 @ 15MountMet: Orographic initiation of moist convection in the tropics (Thermal vs Mechanical)

by Nugent, Minder, and Smith

April 2012 @ 30Hurr: Initiation of orographic moist convection in the tropics (Convective Initiation)

by Nugent and Smith

August 2011 @ 14Meso: Triggered convection and orographic precipitation in the tropics: control parameters and predictability

by Nugent, Minder, Kirshbaum, and Smith

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