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News & Events

Find out what is happening!

Upcoming Events:


December 13-17 AGU Conference

October 5-6: UCAR Members Meeting

Past Events:

Mya Sears joined the Nugent group!

August 23 First day of the fall semester, finally partially back in person!!!

Summer Research Visitors: Lena, Jacob, and Emma join us

May 6: Tianqi passed his qualifying exam. Congrats Tianqi!!!

January 11: First day of the Spring semester, online only

January 11-15 AMS Annual Meeting



February 8: Lifesmarts Competition Judge

January 6-10: AMS Annual Meeting


December 9-13: AGU Fall Meeting

October 25-26: SOEST Open House

October 8-9: UCAR Members Meeting, Boulder, CO

September 2-6: International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, Riva del Garda, Italy

August 26th: Fist day of the Fall 2019 Semester & ATMO 200

August 12-13: DLNR Floodplain Management Conference

August 5-9: Big Island UAS Field Campaign

July 26: Ocean Safety Conference

July 8-18: Boulder, CO

June 19: Kristin Butt's Thesis Defense. Congrats Kristin!!!

June 18: Gavin Shigesato's Thesis Defense. Congrats Gavin!!!

May 11th: Spring 2019 Graduation.  Congrats Graduates!

May 1st: Last day of Spring Semester ATMO 305

March 2nd: Manoa Experience 2019! (link)

February 19th: Honolulu Science Cafe, "Hurricanes in Hawaii" (link)

January 6-10: AMS Annual conference (see website)

January 7: First day of the Spring Semester, teaching ATMO 305 "Meteorological Instrumentation and Observation"


December 5: Last day of the fall semester

November 26-27: Taiwan PRECIP Meeting

November 22-23: Taiwan Visit to NTU 

October 9-10: UCAR Members Meeting (website)

September 9-12: Hurricane Olivia media appearances

August 16-26: Hurricane Lane + media appearances

August 20: First day of the fall semester. Teaching ATMO 200 (intro atmospheric science, quantitative course for majors).

Summer 2018:

David DeCou graduated with his Masters degree!

Aaron Taing joined the Nugent group!

Garima Reheja visited the Nugent group!

July 9-13: AMS Conference on Cloud Physics in Vancouver, BC, CA

June 25-29: AMS Mountain Meteorology Conference in Santa Fe, NM

June 3-8: AOGS Conference in Honolulu, HI

May 15-17: Visit to CMA, and NUIST in China

May 2: Last day of spring instruction

April 16-20: AMS Hurricanes & Tropical Meteorology Conference in Ponte Vedra, FL

March 3: Manoa Experience Saturday from 10-1

January 8: First day of the Spring semester. Teaching ATMO 101 (intro atmospheric science, non quantitative, for a general audience).

January 7-11: AMS Annual conference (see website)

Presenting on "Creating and Using OER Materials in an Intro-level Atmospheric Science Class" and "Using Kites for Meteorologic Measurement"


December 8th: Final Exam for ATMO 200

December 4th: Kristin Butt and Tianqi Zuo are joining the Nugent Group!

October 20th & 21st SOEST Open House (see website)

October 10-11th, UCAR Members Meeting in Boulder, CO

August 21: Gavin Shigesato will join the Nugent Group!

August 21: First day of the Fall semester. Teaching ATMO 200 (intro atmospheric science, quantitative, for majors), ATMO 399 (matlab & python programming), and ATMO 765 (seminar in atmospheric science).

August 16-17: SOEST Welcome Orientation (Atmospheric Science specific welcome at 2pm in HIG 350 on the 16th)

Summer 2017:

David DeCou and Nick Modar joined the Nugent Group!  


Kiefer Hermann and Taylor Anderson will do their senior GES thesis projects with us!

An Open Education Resource with a creative commons license is underway with funding from the UHM Outreach College.  Check back for details!

July 9-14: Early Career Workshop at the Univ. of Maryland

May 14: UH Manoa Graduation

February 25: Manoa Experience Day

Come learn about the atmospheric science department at the Manoa Experience Day

January 23-26: AMS Annual Conference

Presentation on "Factors leading to extreme precipitation on Dominica from Tropical Storm Erika"

Jan 9: Spring semester starts at UHM


December 12-16: American Geophysical Union (AGU) conference

September 6-8: US-Taiwan Workshop on Extreme Precipitation

Presentation on "Factors leading to extreme precipitation on Dominica from Tropical Storm Erika"

August: "Aerosol impacts on thermally driven orographic convection" out in JAS!

July 25-29: International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation 

Poster "On the observation of giant sea-salt aerosol size distributions over the SE Pacific during the 2008 VOCALS deployment" and a presentation on "Shallow Marine Cloud Droplet Distributions: In-Situ Field Campaign Observations and Model Parameterization Comparison"

June 27-July 1: AMS Conference on Mountain Meteorology

Presentation on "The occurence and influence of convection in orographic precipitation over New Zealand" and a poster on "Condensational growth of giant sea salt aerosols and implications for coastal orographic precipitation"

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